Friday, January 7, 2011


under 200!!!!!!!!!! over 100 pounds lost since having my baby in 2009! 70 lbs in the past 8 months. WOW! I am amazing and amazed that I finally did it and did it well and healthy and my body is becoming so fit and skinny! I love what working out has done for me. It is the part of my day I look forward too. I got a wii fit for christmas! it is fun i like the biggest loser game it is challenging and a good workout. I also just got 6 week 6 pack a new Jillian DVD and it is insane! I did both levels and am thinking it was a bad idea i may not be able to workout at all tomorrow LOL. things are good and i have learned good lessions and quick fixes for my eating habits. I look forward to lose a few more lbs but I am happy here too. Ive been doing good on my 10 min mile, i ran 3x last week and got down to 12.30 major progress but it is really cold this week and I have not ran so when it warms up a little I will try to get my # down. :) Next for me...heart rate monitor so I make sure I am working out hard enough and see how long it takes me to run a city mile vs. treadmill mile.